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1.China's generator set exports ranked first in the world

According to incomplete statistics of customs data of various countries, the export amount of generating units in major countries and regions in the world was 9.783 billion US dollars in 2019. China ranked first, nearly four times higher than the second place, the United States, which exported 635 million US dollars

2.The export proportion of gasoline and large generating sets decreased, while that of small and medium-sized generating sets increased

In 2019, from the perspective of the proportion of all types of generating sets in China's export volume, gasoline generating sets accounted for the largest proportion, accounting for 41.75%, with the export value of US $1.28 billion, but the year-on-year decline was 19.30%, with the biggest drop. The second is large power generation units, accounting for 19.69%. The export value is US $604 million, down 6.80% compared with the same period last year. The third is small generating units, accounting for 19.51%. The export value is USD 598 million, up 2.10% year on year. The fourth is medium-sized generating units, accounting for 14.32%. The export value is US $439 million, up 3.90% year on year. Last but not least, the number of ultra-large generating units accounted for 4.73%. The export value was US $145 million, down 0.7% year on year.

3.Gasoline engine exports to the United States declined significantly, while the second largest market, Nigeria, increased significantly

In 2019, China's gasoline generator exports to North America topped the list, with an export value of $459 million, accounting for 35.90%, but a year-on-year decrease of 46.90%. In second place was Asia, accounting for 24.30%, or $311 million, with a year-on-year increase of 21.50%. Africa was the third, accounting for 21.50% of us $275 million, up 47.60% year on year. Europe was the second largest exporter, accounting for 11.60% of $150 million, down 12.90% year on year. The value of exports to Latin America and Oceania did not exceed US $100 million, and both declined year-on-year, as shown in the figure below.

The United States is the country's largest export destination for gasoline generators. In 2019, China's largest gasoline generator export country is still the United States, with a total of 407 million US dollars, but a year-on-year decline of 50.10%. The United States imposed a 25 percent tariff on the product from September 24, 2019, so some orders were brought forward to September 2018 and some were delayed to the first half of 2020. Others have shifted production to Vietnam.

The top 15 countries and regions are shown in the figure below, among which Nigeria is the second largest market for China's gasoline generator exports, with a significant increase of 45.30% over the previous year. Hong Kong, Japan, South Africa and Libya also grew faster, with Hong Kong up 111.50 percent, Japan up 51.90 percent, South Africa up 77.20 percent and Libya up 308.40 percent.

In terms of export volume, Nigeria and the United States are not far apart. Last year, China exported 1457,610 gasoline generating sets to the United States, while 1452,432 were exported to Nigeria, with a difference of only 5,178. The main reason is that most of the units exported to Nigeria are low-end products with low unit prices.

4.Asia remains the main market for the export of diesel generating sets

In 2019, China exported the largest amount of small, medium, large and very large diesel generating sets to Asia, accounting for 56.80% and us $1.014 billion, down 2.10% year-on-year. In second place was Africa, which exported $265 million, accounting for 14.80%, up 24.3% year on year. Third was Latin America, where exports amounted to us $201 million, accounting for 11.20%, down 9.20% year on year. Europe ranked fourth, with exports worth $167 million, or 9.30%, up 0.01% year on year. The amount of exports to Oceania and North America did not exceed us $100 million, both of which decreased year-on-year, as shown in the figure below.

In 2019, southeast Asia is the main export market for small, medium, large and super large diesel-dominated generating sets in China. Indonesia ranks the first, with a total export of usd 170 million, up 1.40% year on year. The second is the Philippines, exports of $119 million, up 9.80% year-on-year, the rest of the top 15 countries exports and ranking as shown in the figure below, which is rising fast, Chile, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Colombia, Vietnam rose 69.50% from 2018, Chile rose 36.50%, rose 99.80% in Saudi Arabia, Cambodia is up 160.80%, Colombia is up 38.40%.

Post time: Aug-31-2020
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